Tony has twenty years of experience in general practice in inner city West London, and five years’ experience in leading the North West London Diabetes Transformation Programme (NWL-DTP). The NWL-DTP is a multi-award winning programme, started in 2015, to orchestrate and catalyse improvements in diabetes care and outcomes across the eight CCGs that make up the NWL STP.

Tony has conceptualised and driven the development of digital tools to support improvements in care, both through the innovative patient-facing Know Diabetes platform (, which combines traditional interactive website, patient portal and personalised campaign-based multi-channel communication, and through clinician-facing tools such as clinical system templates, alerts and dashboards, including clinical and population health diabetes dashboards on the NWL Whole Systems Integrated Care platform.

He provides clinical and system leadership to the Diabetes Demonstrator for the One London Local Health and Care Record Exemplar, the London Diabetes Clinical Network and the Diabetes Exemplar programme for the HDR-UK NWL Discover-NOW Digital Innovation Hub