About this event

Every other month, HDR UK hold a webinar aimed at members of the Institute’s community across the substantive sites, Hubs, Alliance, Fellows, PhD students, patient and public groups, and more. The webinar is also open to the wider health data science community.

HDR UK is now over halfway through the first quinquennium (2018 –2023, 5-year funding period), and preparations for our QQR by our core funders are underway. We are required to make our QQR submission, which is to include a review of the first quinquennium (QQ1), lessons from QQ1, and the strategic approach for the second quinquennium to Core Funders in 2022.

The webinar will feature:

  • Rhos Walker and Alice Turnbull, HDR UK Central Team, outlining the current QQR vision including the Research Demonstrator Programmes and Research Data Infrastructure and Services – alongside the next steps in the process and what to expect.

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