
Project Descripton

This work involved (1) identifying people in Care home settings in the OpenSAFELY platform to assess risk factors for severe Covid-19 outcomes and (2) ascertaining what has happened to general practice contacts for acute physical and mental health outcomes during the pandemic

Project Milestones

All funded work is now completed and is being directly utilised in subsequent projects.

  1. Identifying care home residents:

As part of this project, Emily explored various algorithms for identifying care home residents. Different approaches were found to produce substantively different classifications, leading to ambiguity in analyses using these algorithms. This work prompted a short report comparing the different algorithms and providing guidance for other researchers wishing to identify this patient group in EHR data.

  1. Indirect health outcomes

The initial project funded by HDR-UK is now complete and the paper is published including sharing all analytic code and aggregate outcomes on a Shiny app. We have been successful in generating further external funding and are now proceeding with the next phase, updating these findings and undertaking international comparisons.

Project Team and Collaborators

  • Matt Keeling
  • Emily Nightingale
  • Rohini Mathur
  • Sinead Langan


Severe COVID-19 outcomes

Indirect health consequences